How much does Business Intelligence cost?

This question has been asked several times in various forums and the standard answer from most of the respondents are "It depends". I thought I will go a little further and help those who would like to get a rough idea about how much it costs to implement a typical Business Intelligence solution. From my estimation for a typical BI system it can cost anywhere between 2 million euros to 5 million euros for a 5 year period. You can definitely have a BI system built for less than 2 million euros or for more than 5 million euros depending on your requirements, location, tool selection, timelines, support level, high availability expertise of the team etc. Obviously no one can provide an estimate without knowing the requirements so the best I can offer is to provide an estimation template to estimate the cost of Business Intelligence. The BI Cost Estimation Template provides estimation in euros but should work for any country, just remember to change the number of t...