BI Jobs in Germany - Tips and Templates
Many job seekers requested for tips about how to find and apply for BI jobs in Germany. So I felt there was a real need to provide pointers to job seekers. Here is a list of tips and couple of templates that I think could be useful for your Business Intelligence (BI) job search in Germany and hopefully you get your dream job. Some of the points could be applicable for other jobs too and not just limited to business intelligence jobs, However, I do not have experience in other areas or sufficient knowledge to confirm this. Before I start with my list of tips I would like to bring your attention to these disclaimer points below. Disclaimer: All points here are my own views and it does not represent the views of my current or previous employers or any of my clients. This is based on my 10+ years of BI experience, which includes several years of experience both as an interviewer and an interviewee, experience of reviewing hundreds of CVs and around 5 years of living an...