
Showing posts from March, 2019

2 years of IBI

It's been over 2 years that I have started IBI . A small subset of the results is shared below (charts) with an intention to create awareness about IBI. One of my personal objectives for this year is to create awareness about IBI among high school and university students.  So if any of you have connections with academic world and would like me to present the IBI concept, tools, my experience and learning from it, I would be glad to present. Almost everyone today, especially data professionals, preach that organizations should be data-driven, however, how many of the data professionals are themselves  data-driven individuals ? How many of us put in any effort in capturing and accumulating our own data in a way it can be used for self-discovery? Shouldn't we practice what we preach? We all agree that if we don't measure something, it can't be improved. Why don't we measure ourselves? Don't we want to improve? On 19th Feb 2019 I completed 2 years of capturi...

Data, Information and Insight

What exactly does data, information and insight mean in the context of BI? Data : The raw form from which information and insight can be derived. Usually any recorded values, numbers, text, audio, video, stored in any form, any size and any location that gets generated in any event or transaction or just based on the current state or status.  It could be internal data like employee related data (name, address, phone number, gender, etc.) or products, services related data or customer related data or server logs, web clicks, call center data , product reviews, ratings, etc. Anything and everything that can be used to derive information is data. The much hyped big data is also data. It could be stored as files or in a database or just as logs. Burger Chain Example   For example, the event of a customer buying a burger from a fast food restaurant generates lot of data. Time of purchase, terminal used for payment, employee who served the customer, amount and curre...

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