For all those people who are following my blog, especially on the IBI topic, I am happy to announce that I have now completed 500 days of data capture. For all posts related to IBI see IBI posts . Just by being disciplined enough to capture the data for 500 days and the fact the I managed to do it and still continue doing it, there is some sense of achievement even though nothing is achieved. So today I spent some time in data analysis, reflected upon the days that went by using data. Went through the details of the mistakes that I have made, the days I was not happy, etc., to understand if there is a recurring pattern and to tell myself that I shouldn't repeat those. I also made some changes to the data capture template and included new charts too. I have now added a "Year" column in the data capture template because now I have data for more than a year. With this addition there is possibility to compare same months across years and also to compare year...