DWH Development related Survey results

Please find below the results of DWH development related survey carried out between Dec 2016 till May 2017. Thanks to all those DWBI professionals who took part in this survey. Unfortunately we do not have many responses, We have only 48 responses even after extending the survey till May 2017 ( it was supposed to end in Jan 2017).

Survey Results

Waterfall or Agile, which methodology is used?

Which methodology is best for developing a data warehouse?

scrum or kanban

Top down or bottom up, bill inmon vs kimball

Star schema or snowflake

Survey results summary
  • Total of 48 responses (including 1 own response)
  • Agile is the preferred methodology of development
  • Kimball approach (Bottom up) preferred over Inmon  approach (Top Down)
  • Star Schema preferred over Snow flake
Again thanks to all those DWBI professionals who took part in this survey.

Currently open survey -  Best Version Control System for Data Warehouse Projects


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