Measures for GDPR Compliance for a Company

What measures should a company take to be GDPR compliant?

GDPR is not only applicable for companies but also for organizations like public administration. In this diagram given below I present my understanding of what measures a company should take to be GDPR compliant.

GDPR compliance for a company
Click to enlarge

I guess all of the measures, except for the Personal Data Request Handling System (PDRHS), mentioned in the above diagram should be easily understood. I will explain PDRHS in my future posts in this blog. I also plan to cover how companies can leverage existing DWBI tools and expertise of DWBI professionals within the company to implement some of the technical measures.

GDPR Compliance Bottom-up approach

GDPR compliance bottom up approach
Click to enlarge

Related posts : What is GDPR?

For all posts related to GDPR see - GDPR

Disclaimer: I am not a legal expert nor a certified GDPR consultant (not sure if there is one certification yet). I am a data enthusiast (and now GDPR enthusiast) and I like to envisage, conceptualize and design solutions for real problems. All posts related to GDPR are only to present my understanding and to start a good discussion with the audience. As every business is different please consult legal experts to understand obligations specific to your company. For official documentation check the official website - .


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