3 years of IBI

This week (on 19th Feb 2020) I completed 3 years of IBI. To celebrate it I have created a Dashboard in Google Data Studio. So from now on instead of using the charts in the Google Sheets I will use the Dashboard. Google Data Studio is more user friendly and mobile friendly too, also it comes with easy to use filters and drill down/up capabilities.

PDF version of the first 2 pages of the shareable dashboard is attached below. I am happy to share the first 2 pages of the IBI Dashboard, reach out to me if you would like to get the Google Data Studio IBI dashboard. Once you get the dashboard (without my data of course) you can make a copy of it and point it to your IBI data (assuming you have started), add more charts, pages, etc., and use it for your benefit.

Like with every year, this IBI year too I have learnt a lot about myself, made new mistakes, changed several things about me. The benefits of IBI is much more than we can think of. Use it to know it.

And what are some of the shareable events of this IBI year (19th Feb 2019 to 18th Feb 2020)?
  • Car loan closed.
  • First visit to Africa and visited Pyramids.
  • Experienced snorkeling for the first time.
  • Tried roller skates for the first time.
  • Planned and celebrated Dad's 70th birthday with close relatives. One of the few things I will be proud of for a long long time. 
  • Lost my dad. 
  • Rode e-bike for the first time.
  • Baked cake for the first time.
  • Speaker at EU DataViz 2019, Luxembourg.
  • Visited an Asian country other than India.
  • Invited to Data Governance conference, London as attendee. 
  • Invited to a CIO meet, Scotland as expert.
  • Reading of Bhagavat Gita completed.
  • Built up team at Wirecard from 1 to 20+.
  • Setup several processes and improved several processes with team's support.
  • Created a 2 minutes video on IBI.
  • IBI in Kannada.
  • IBI New template released.
  • Worked in 4 locations (Munich, Athens, Singapore and a workshop in India).
  • Only 1 sick leave.
  • 7 goals set for 2020.
  • Started regular reading of books.
  • Again started answering questions in Quora.com on BI.
  • First named user for PublicBI EUProc BI solution.
  • Wrote poems like Nature Conservation and 8 years of togetherness.
  • Started writing a book.


  1. I have noticed the % Happy calculation error in the dashboard. Will fix it before it is shared.

    1. Hi ANOOP
      Hope you're doing well. I'm in contact with you to get the Google Data Studio IBI dashboard. I want to use it personally.
      M+20 122 794 4514 WhatsApp

    2. Hi MM,
      Thanks for your interest. Will be happy to share the dashboard. As the dashboard is in Google Data Studio, need a gmail id to share. Do you have a gmail id?


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